Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Get your handbaskets ready, folks!

In addition to all the other debachery and mayhem happening in this country, here's an update on the marriage equality front from good ol' Massachusetts...

1. The Constitutional Convention is one week from today. There, they will vote whether or not an ammendment to the Constitution, which will turn marriages between two people of the same gender into civil unions, can be voted on in November, 2006.

2. Stupid Attorney General Tom Reilly today certified another ammendment proposition from our favorite Article 666 Alliance that would define marriage as a union between a woman and a man. However, this new proposition would maintain marriages between two men or two women that already exist. So, it shouldn't have been passed because it creates two separate classes of citizens - Gay people who are married and gay people who aren't allowed to get married. Here's the article: The bad guys who hate the gays.

What I'm wondering is, if both of these pass, would the marriages that already exist could turn into civil unions and then turn back into marriages? Or would they turn into civil unions and then disappear because they'd no longer be marriages? Ooh that's tricky.

Or, if the first one passes, is the second irrelevant?

Will it ever end?

Friday, September 02, 2005

are you kidding me?!

How NOT to handle an emergency, by your Clandestine friend

1. Tell people to evacuate, but provide no transportation so that poor, elderly and disabled people (not to mention people who simply don't have cars) have no choice by to stay in the soon-to-be disaster zone.

2. Tell said remaining people that they will be safe if they go to an arena that can provide no food, flushable toilets, water or safety.

3. When the scale of this disaster becomes evident, evacuate all remaining, living people to above-mentioned unsafe arena (particularly when the arena's roof has begun to fall apart).

4. Notice that all of the now refugees are black, and so classify them all as looters and criminals and leave them there to die.

5. Continue to SAY that you are doing all you can while 20,000 people are rotting away and thus becoming lawless.

6. Deploy National Guards-people to deter looters when there are STILL over 20,000 people stuck without food or water for the 4th day.

7. Stop evacuating people when pilots (from the National Guard, by the way) are being shot at - because they've not been trained to fly when being shot at?! (Besides, since the person shooting is black and all the other people there are black, obviously they're all going to be shooting at you. It's simple arithmetic.)

8. Tell me that you'd have reacted in the same way if said disaster had left 80,000 white people stranded.

By the way, in my humble opinion, if you're not outraged at and embarrassed by the way we are (not)reacting to this, you definitely need to watch the news more. People are just dying because they have no water. The people in the hospitals are going to die because they have no electricity and no water. I know that some people are legitimately stealing things from stores that they don't need, but what do you expect when you leave 80,000 people to fend for themselves????????

It is not 1900. This is not happening in a third-world country without resources. This is happening here, in a major city, in 2005. And the people can't be rescued?

Give me a break.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


this is an awful quote from a woman in biloxi who hasn't eaten in three days.

"A lot of people told me FEMA would help, but I don't know who he is," she said. "I don't even know where to find him to get some help."

It's just awful.

Just registered for the blog thing today - blogging for katrina

My charity is also the Human Society - poor little creatures

(i don't know how to link pictures or put this on the top so if someone wants to help me, please let me know!)