Sunday, October 21, 2007

You're it!

Like my good friend Mamalicious, I have never been 'tagged' before. Since she's my first blog friend, here it goes!

1. Link to your tagger and post rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself, some random and some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of post and list their names.
4. Let them know they were tagged by a comment on their blog.

So, here goes:

1. My favorite animal is a skunk.

2. (Mamalicious - I saw you on the documentary!) I absolutely LOVE my job, and it involves 80 middle school students (that's right - 80 kids aged 10 to 13 all at once). However, I do not want kids of my own.

3. I have lived in New England for all but 3 of my 30 years and do not like, and have never gotten used to, the extremes in temperature in the summer and winter. I do not like anything that has anything to do with snow EXCEPT snow days, now that I work in a school.

4. I'm still scared of the "Bloody Mary" story and won't look in mirrors at night. If I am sleeping in a room with a mirror in it, I have to position myself so that I can't see my reflection.

5. I am currently watching the first full-length baseball game I have ever watched (Go Red Sox!) and I am interested in it, and I have NO idea why I suddenly want to stay up late to watch baseball...I didn't even pay this much attention when they won the World Series!

6. I will not wear turtle necks, don't like to wear shirts with collars, and won't wear scarves. In fact, when people I love wear turtle necks, I fight the urge to pull the collar to "rescue" them from (what is to me) extreme discomfort.

7. I love Bette Midler. LOVE. I have seen her in concert many times and cry every time. I LOVE HER!!

Okay, time for me to TAG:
And our beloved Blogzie, if she returns! :)

That's all...the Red Sox just won (YAY!), so I have to go to bed...I'll tell the people I tagged them tomorrow!



Blogger MB said...

Oh, Clandy, I love it! I love that we've re-connected! And I laughed out loud at your needing to resist pulling turtlenecks off of people! Laughed out loud!

This was fun!

October 23, 2007 8:37 AM  
Blogger CrackerLilo said...

I'll respond to the tag this week. Wanted to talk about making escargot for my wife, who better know I love her now. :-)

I related to the turtleneck thing, too--I hate anything up too close to my neck!

October 23, 2007 8:46 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

I LOVE Bette, too! 'Cause you got to have friends, the feeling's oh so strong! You got to have friends, to make that day last long... I know all the words. (This terrifies my husband.) Yes on BETTE!

October 25, 2007 6:19 AM  
Blogger alan said...

I thought I commented here the other day...hmmmmm...perhaps senility has crept further than I thought!

I loved your answers almost as I loved finding you here again! And my intent wasn't making anyone feel guilty, but more that, having noticed my visitors dwindling as school started and fall arrived on the horizon that perhaps it was kinder to let anyone who had the time take a turn.

I seem to have less time now the kids are grown and gone than I did when they were here! I don't know what that's all about!



October 28, 2007 12:19 AM  
Blogger MB said...

clandy, clandy - where are you?

November 19, 2007 2:52 PM  
Blogger MB said...


Not signed up yet for the '08 cruise, but you never know! I'll have to talk to my peeps. I will let you know! Wouldn't that be fun?

November 20, 2007 11:36 AM  

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